Thursday, September 30, 2010


Hi Everyone...not that anyone really reads this. :) It has been a crazy time since February. I just wanted to let everyone know that my pregnancy is over...and James is here! Work is going well, if stressful....but I thought I would finally post my birth story tonight and maybe a picture or two of my son.

By the end of June, I was positively miserable! I felt as if I was huge and awkward. James was still doing well...he was a perfect baby during my pregnancy. I was so lucky! I never had high blood pressure or any complications. He just was way too comfy! I worked until June 30th and had a scheduled induction for July 1st.
This was me on the actual due date of June 29th...see what I mean about being HUGE! :)

I went into the hospital at 8 p.m. on July 1st after a meal of fried cat fish..YUM! I got my first pill to help soften my cervix at 10 p.m. Nothing really happened most of the night and I watched food network and slept. I got my second softening pill at 2 a.m. and was constantly monitored...but still nada! At 8 a.m. the real fun began....the pictocin...Man I hate that stuff! I got started on the iv drip and mild contractions started. It wasn't too bad at first...just felt like a period starting. I finally saw my OB/GYN around 11 a.m. He told me he was checking to see if I was dilating...he failed to mention that he was about to break my water. MAN I WAS PISSED! That hurt so bad and I didn't appreciate not being warned. In the mean time, my iv drip was being increased every thirty minutes or so. I really got to where I hated that nurse!

After having my water broken, the contractions increased. I did not see my doctor again until later that evening. The nurse came in around 4:30 and check me...I still had not dilated past a 2. I was told that they were either going to start all over the next day or perform a c-section. The doctor called the hospital and informed them that it would be a c-section. That was about 5 p.m. The evil pictocin was finally turned off and then I got to lay there for 2 hours in immense pain. My husband finally got a nurse and told her either give me pain medication or else basically. Just as they put the pain meds in my IV line the OR team arrived. I was pushed to the OR...scared and excited all at the same time! I couldn't wait to meet my little man! Shawn got to stay in the OR with me, which made things much better.

At 8:06 p.m. James Alexander Parsons made his entry into this world. He came out screaming his bloody little head off...I knew right away he had a great set of lungs! The doctor brought him around to my head and I told him "Hi baby James...Mommy loves you"...he instantly quieted down. It was the most special and beautiful moment of my life to see that little squealing boy. He scored excellently on his APGAR (of course...he is my baby!) and he was whisked away with his papa to the nursery while I got sewed up. I found out later that he was 7 lbs 2 oz and 20 inches long.

And that was his entry into this world. He has been a blessing ever since and I will write more later!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The top picture is our precious little boy's profile image. We are very very excited about him!!! :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Baby growing and new jobs...

While I know everyone mainly cares about the status of the sprog in my belleh, I am going to talk about my new job first! HA! I had mentioned in my last post about applying for the position of CPS investigator...well guess what!! I GOT IT! I am very excited as this will give us an opportunity to save up for the baby and move into a house with insulation! I will begin orientation for the state on Feb. 1 and my 12 week training course begins on Feb 22. The only sucky thing is that training is in Houston, but thankfully north Houston. I am finally getting to use that fancy degree I worked my bum off for!

Now on to more important things: the sprog. My first doctor's appointment went well. It was more of an initial consultation including blood work and going over paperwork. I really like the nursing staff!! I have two more appointments this week: one with the Dr. on Wed and the ultrasound on Friday. These exams will entail the fun stuff like pelvic exams and medical history. Friday will be exciting because we should be able to find out the sex of the baby...which brings me to my next topic:

I keep getting asked what gender I prefer. I would be a liar if I said I had no preference. I think that deep down most women want a girl mainly because we are girls and we kinda understand the mechanics and the ins and outs of girlhood. That being said, I am hoping for a little girl.

I have also been asked if I will be disappointed if the baby is not a girl...and to that I respond: HELL NO! We are so blessed to be having this child. I just want a healthy, happy baby that will occasionally drive me nuts and that we'll love more than anything in this world. Me and Shawn do have a bet going though..his side is more boy dominated and mine is more girl dominated...and yes there are twins on both sides, but we don't talk about that!

As for names...We have chosen them...if you love them, Great! If not, nicely as I can say it, get over it because this is our child and not yours. You may ask why I am a bit bitchy on this...simply because, as my friend Andrea put it, it's not your choice. I appreciate the concern and when you have a child you may name it whatever floats your boat, but these are the names we like and since we'll be the one's screaming it, crying it and saying it with love and adoration...we win!

Girl: Anna Li-The meaning behind this is two fold. My mom's middle name was Ann. She passed away in 1998 and I wanted to honor her memory by naming my daughter after her. Her first name was Edith and while I love the name, I wouldn't do that to my kid. Li has a special meaning for me and Shawn..'nuff said.

Boy: James Alexander-James is my father's middle name and a name that me and Shawn both love. We mutually chose Alexander.

It is finally starting to hit me that I am going to be someones mother...and that scares the living shit out of me. I know I am having the normal fears: what if I screw them up, what if I can't take care of them, OMB this is forever...etc.. I know that I will be a good mother and Shawn is going to be the best Papa in the whole world. I try to calm my fears by reminding myself that already this child has so much love and support between family members and friends. I also know that this is perfectly normal and I am just experiencing what everyone else who has gone through this did. My parents did screw up too bad and neither will we!

That is all for now...

Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas, Medicaid and the whole crazy thing...

Christmas this year was amazing! I really enjoyed Shawn and I's first Christmas together as a married couple. It was so much fun picking things out for each other an setting up the tree. I once again made the observation that you know you are grown when all you want for Christmas are kitchen appliances!! This year was also the year of the robe...I had asked Shawn for a robe and I got one...then I got one at my grandparents and a small summer robe from my Aunt for after the baby is born. Lesson: if you ask..chances are you will receive. We were in Waco for Christmas with my family which was awesome! I was very pleased by the thoughtfulness behind our gifts from the family which to name a few included:
  1. Dutch ovens (yes, now we have 3!!! WHOO HOO)
  2. Baby items such as onesies, rattles and etc.
  3. Knife set
  4. Handmade stockings and wooden items.
I then spent a week in Waco with my grandparents. I had a great time, but was glad to come home. I missed my hubby!!!! While I was in Waco, I found out from my sweet husband that I was approved for medicaid...FINALLY!!

I am about 4 months pregnant...and my first doctor's appointment is Friday January, 15th at 10 a.m. I am so excited! So far all is going well. Me and the bathroom are becoming fast pals...I envy when I used to could sleep through the night without going! I have my first maternity jeans all hemmed and ready to wear! I was so excited because I was fed up with wearing the same 2 pairs of sleep pants! I am still lucky in that I have had little to no morning sickness, however I will not brag on that for the fear of getting attacked! I am growing nicely and all is good. I haven't had any real crazy cravings.

On the job front, I had a good interview with CPS for an investigator position. I am also applying for several more positions with CPS in the hopes that one will come through! I feel that the job would be rewarding and to be completely honest the money would be nice! I am hoping to hear something in the next few weeks. I realize it takes time due to the extensive background checks.

Anyway, that is a brief update on me, the baby and what is going on in my part of the world!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

8 weeks and counting!

Calculations seem to show that I am about 8 weeks pregnant. So far I have been feeling pretty good. I don't have a lot of energy and am hungry quite a bit. I have also had a lot of trouble sleeping. I seem to be lucky in that while I have been a bit nauseous, I have not thrown up. As of yet, the only physical signs have been tenderness and a bit of tightness in my jeans! I have also been more emotional (poor Shawn!!) and craving some weird things:
  • Pizza and Hot Wings, but only from Pizza hut
  • Queen Anne's Chocolate Covered Cherries (which I usually don't even like...too sweet!)
  • Sour Pickles
  • Cheese Toast
  • Daddy's Dressing (only 2 weeks until I get that one!!)
Shawn has really been a trooper...he has rubbed my back, pet me while I cried for no apparent reason and kept me calm! We are both very excited!! :)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Babies and Craziness

Well, it's been awhile since I have posted. Married life is amazing. I couldn't ask for anything better...yet...:) I found out about a week ago that I am pregnant! It is such an amazing and odd feeling. I am exhausted all the time and queasy, but the thought that a little person growing inside of me is really cool. :) Me and Shawn are both very excited and happy.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Gotta love the influence of music!

I love when I hear a song that I have listened to many times, and then I finally hear it. Lately I have had some self pitying crap going on. Poor me, I'm unemployed, we're broke, wah wah wah. I know that some self pity is normal and perfectly healthy, but still. This morning I was listening to G.A.C. (country music station) on tv and I heard the song "Sounds like life to me" by Darryl Worley. I finally listened to the words and he is completely right!

I said I know this ain’t what you wanna hear
But it’s what I’m gonna say

Sounds like life to me it ain’t no fantasy
It’s just a common case of everyday reality
Man I know it’s tough but you gotta suck it up
To hear you talk you’re caught up in some tragedy
It sounds like life to me

We never want to hear deal with it, or well that's just the way life is, but it is! Life is not fair, it's not easy and we just have to make the best of what we've got! We are going to have obstacles, we are going to want to bang our head into the wall. The car is going to break down, the house is going to need repair, the bank account is never going to have enough, there is always going to be another bill that needs paying. Jobs are going to be lost, and children are going to get sick. I am hoping to be able to focus on much more than the so called tragedy. Our mountains are really tiny hills we just have to get over.

I am hoping that in the future, I will learn to focus on all the wonderful things in my life. I have an amazing husband who loves me unconditionally and takes care of me. I have a nice home that protects me. I have two cats that entertain me for sure!! I have a great family who have always been there for me. I have several good friends I can rely on. I always seem to have enough, even if its only pennies away from nada in the account. I have food in my kitchen. I am really blessed.